We refer to them with the English abbreviation "sci-fi." As you may have already noticed, I myself am a fan of this genre :D. Personally, I consider it very important to explain to you the essence of inventions/nonsense as such, which is why I decided to dedicate my first article to this topic.
In an effort to understand the importance of inventions, attention must be paid to their foundation, which is human characteristics: imagination and creativity. I assume that scientists themselves were the creators of the sci-fi genre, who could no longer suppress these natural human traits and thus created their own safety valve (the sci-fi genre), with which they release the accumulated pressure caused by our strict conservative science. There are also scientists in the world who strictly adhere to the boundaries of science in their thinking (I don't even want to imagine how they "ventilate" :D), they tolerate no deviation from established theories, and some ideas are considered downright heretical. I should have empathy for them, but only if science could say that it knows everything, knows everything, all the principles of the functioning of the world are known, nothing is hidden, and everything has been discovered. Can we state that? In my opinion, not at all, so I ask, where do people get the courage to label ideas and determine which ones are SCI and which ones are FI? Looking back at past times, there were times when people did not consider, for example, flying to be possible. They saw it as clear fiction. They could not imagine this type of transportation, even though they watched the sky full of flying birds every day. Pioneers had to think beyond the boundaries of the then-science, they had to have imagination, which was supported by focused observation of their surroundings. They often caused outrage in their surroundings and people perceived them more as oddballs than representatives of human development. Indeed, they were not popular in their lifetimes, but it was precisely they who were pulling human progress forward with their imagination (inventions). The same applies today, so don't be afraid to invent, fantasize, these are natural human abilities that help us create our reality. There is a belief that everything we can imagine can become reality. In my opinion, this idea arises precisely from the essence of the principle of the functioning of consciousness (autonomous unit), that consciousness creates its own reality. In connection with this principle, when you look at our numbers and our diversity, it really seems that TOGETHER we are capable of achieving anything in the world.
Notice that we can't do anything in the world until we are able to imagine it first. The better/more detailed we can imagine the implementation of our invention, the sooner and with better quality we can also realize it. If we happened to find ourselves in the midst of implementation in a situation where we realize the nonsense of our invention, the experience gained from the mistake will open up new possibilities for us in further inventing :D. Don't harden your mind against different inventions, if we currently don't understand the principle of the bold idea, it doesn't mean that we won't come to the principle together in the future. Therefore, we shouldn't be afraid of our imagination, we should learn to use our abilities and this can only be achieved through practice.
P.S.: There is a slightly crazy modern fairy tale that describes exactly what I am writing about in the article - The Lego Movie (2014), I recommend reflecting on it.
Juraj Tušš