You have likely noticed today’s turbulent times, dominated by fear and uncertainty. To understand current events, you don’t need a university degree or any special accolades; all you need to do is focus on the root of the problem, and the events will naturally fall into place (the situation isn’t complicated to grasp; you just need to categorize the information you encounter correctly). In presenting my perspective, I will write as straightforwardly as possible, so for proper understanding, it’s essential not to be swayed by the first emotion you feel.
The primary, acute problem of our time is humanity's population—our numbers. Today, we are nearing 8 billion people (https://www.worldometers.info/sk/), and the figure continues to grow. Every new addition represents a burden on the global economy, including energy and natural resource supplies. Every newborn, every person, consumes a certain amount of energy and ties up a specific quantity of natural resources. Depending on the environment in which a child grows up, their burden is either higher or lower. For instance, a child born to poor parents creates a different strain compared to one born into a wealthy family.
Our current technology cannot meet the growing demand for energy and natural resources. Thus, we are at a crossroads and must decide how to solve the acute issue of resource scarcity.
There are two perspectives on this situation and two solutions to our problem:
The first perspective views our population number as a catastrophe. It renders our economy unsustainable in the long term. According to this view, only the best among us—the strongest—should have the right to live. After all, that’s how nature works; this is the law of the jungle—no doubt about it. The solution is to reduce the population to a number that, according to predictions, would ensure long-term, comfortable, sustainable development. In the past, this number was considered to be 1 billion; today, in the age of advanced robotics, the number is debated to be 0.5 billion.
The second perspective sees this number as desirable and views the problem as a lack of cooperation among people. Advocates of this view are easily identifiable in the information sphere—they emphasize the importance of collaboration in every problem. They base their stance on the concept of an interconnected world, where a larger population increases creative output and is key to efficiency, new technologies, and prosperity (a utopia). This second perspective considers all people equal, seeing in them the same potential and creative ability, albeit developed to varying degrees. They view the world not through the lens of impossibilities but through one of infinite possibilities. When pondering the lack of energy and natural resources, they shift focus beyond our planet—to space and its resources.THE GORDIAN KNOT
The situation on our planet is incredibly complicated due to these two competing perspectives. Why? While one group contemplates eliminating part of the population, the other seeks to prevent this and not only increase our numbers but also utilize them for the development of new technologies. However, the second group must delay technological advancements until the first group, which is the majority, stops thinking exclusively in individualistic and destructive terms.
In the past, we witnessed situations where advanced energy technologies were prioritized for military purposes (e.g., the atomic bomb). Notice that humanity has been stagnant in energy development for some time, taking only very small steps forward. This is primarily because advanced technology must not fall into the hands of those with the first perspective. A grenade does not belong in the hands of a monkey. New technologies derive from the principles of how our world functions. If we were to prematurely possess such technologies, we would not only endanger ourselves but also our reality as a whole (more on the potential of new technologies here: https://www.projektz.sk/news/a11-technologie-buducnosti/).
So, what does the world look like? There are two influential groups: the first understands the world through the lens of the animal kingdom and seeks to ensure sustainable development by reducing the population. The second group, of course, opposes this, knowing that if the population were to decline, technological progress would halt and, after a few generations, regress. We would return to earlier times. A billion people with advanced robotics would be useless if, after two generations, they couldn’t operate it. The second group currently possesses power but cannot release new technologies ensuring energy independence for general use because they risk falling into the wrong hands and causing an indescribable catastrophe.
This stalemate creates immense global tension. Resources continue to diminish, the population does not decrease, new energy technologies are not being developed, and the environment is being destroyed. The world’s situation can be likened to a Gordian knot, difficult to untangle. It has emerged from humanity’s historical development and past events. The fewer people there were on Earth, the fewer those who saw the value of unity and equality among humanity. The primary task in the past was to populate the Earth to achieve the necessary creative output for awareness, technological advancement, and humanity's independence.
The situation on our planet is incredibly complicated due to these two competing perspectives. Why? While one group contemplates eliminating part of the population, the other seeks to prevent this and not only increase our numbers but also utilize them for the development of new technologies. However, the second group must delay technological advancements until the first group, which is the majority, stops thinking exclusively in individualistic and destructive terms.
In the past, we witnessed situations where advanced energy technologies were prioritized for military purposes (e.g., the atomic bomb). Notice that humanity has been stagnant in energy development for some time, taking only very small steps forward. This is primarily because advanced technology must not fall into the hands of those with the first perspective. A grenade does not belong in the hands of a monkey. New technologies derive from the principles of how our world functions. If we were to prematurely possess such technologies, we would not only endanger ourselves but also our reality as a whole (more on the potential of new technologies here: https://www.projektz.sk/news/a11-technologie-buducnosti/).
So, what does the world look like? There are two influential groups: the first understands the world through the lens of the animal kingdom and seeks to ensure sustainable development by reducing the population. The second group, of course, opposes this, knowing that if the population were to decline, technological progress would halt and, after a few generations, regress. We would return to earlier times. A billion people with advanced robotics would be useless if, after two generations, they couldn’t operate it. The second group currently possesses power but cannot release new technologies ensuring energy independence for general use because they risk falling into the wrong hands and causing an indescribable catastrophe.
This stalemate creates immense global tension. Resources continue to diminish, the population does not decrease, new energy technologies are not being developed, and the environment is being destroyed. The world’s situation can be likened to a Gordian knot, difficult to untangle. It has emerged from humanity’s historical development and past events. The fewer people there were on Earth, the fewer those who saw the value of unity and equality among humanity. The primary task in the past was to populate the Earth to achieve the necessary creative output for awareness, technological advancement, and humanity's independence.
To ensure development in ancient times, when we roamed the Earth in tribes and constantly waged war against one another, society was guided by a crowd-elitist system of governance. I won’t debate the merits of being "led from childhood"; for now, it’s important to see/know that elites have always ruled over common people—from the pharaohs, through kings, to politicians. Throughout history, regardless of events, the population on the planet has only grown, enabling us to harness greater power and achieve ever-higher technological advancement.
Up to a certain point, progress proceeded relatively smoothly. The Gordian knot began to tighten with the need to establish global trade and a global economy. This turning point occurred during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England in the 16th century. To continue increasing the planet's population, it became necessary to gradually globalize the economy, concentrating Earth’s resources to distribute them efficiently among people, enabling them to raise more children. Global companies and corporations began to emerge.
The problem was that, at the time, there were still very few individuals who understood the essence and unity of humanity. Due to racial predispositions and the planet’s climatic conditions, these enlightened individuals were predominantly white and lived in very harsh natural environments (more on racial issues here: https://www.projektz.sk/news/globalizacia-narodnost-a-rasizmus/). There weren’t enough of them to take control of the global economy entirely, so a system of counterbalances was established. The goal was to gradually enlighten the less conscious populations, led by fools, through contrast. The global economy was divided between less perceptive people (still with an animalistic perspective) enjoying their high positions and more perceptive individuals (with a desired human perspective) who contributed to the development of their population.
There was no other solution. To increase the planet's population, resources had to be entrusted to fools and they had to be taught to manage populations, at least ideologically, since they couldn’t grasp the conceptual level. A banking sector was established, allowing them to manage significant portions of resources directly, and propaganda was created, enabling them to control humanity’s thoughts through slogans and appearances. Here, the saying "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king" applies. Two types of elites emerged: the "Western" and the "Eastern." (This is a figurative distinction, as these terms are imprecise. In reality, elites of both perspectives operate globally, transcending geographical directions or nationalities, divided solely by knowledge. To simplify, imagine the yin and yang symbol: within the more enlightened areas, a small portion of ignorance exists, and within the ignorant areas, a small portion of enlightenment persists.)
While the West pursued globalization through a melting pot approach ("the strongest survives"), the East adopted a federative style of unification and cooperation. The West followed the laws of the jungle, whereas the East adhered to the principle of unity. The West regarded people as human resources, while the East viewed them as equals. The imbalance in the level of population development determined the influence of specific elites. The more widespread and confident the fools, the greater their ambitions to subjugate the elite of the more enlightened. History recounts periods of the Ottoman Empire, Napoleon, Hitler, and the Cold War.
As long as the fools had sufficient resources and energy, they maintained global ambitions to seize control of the planet and establish a unipolar world with a single global order and one perspective. Over time, as the population grew, Western resources began to dwindle rapidly. Their only path forward was to seize new markets, countries, and raw materials. In the 20th century, they failed to completely eliminate their competition, although they came close in the 1990s. They lacked the strength for a decisive final blow, underestimated the situation, and rested on their laurels, allowing the "Eastern" elite to revive.
The escalation of today’s situation and the increase in global tension can be attributed to the Russians. Despite the outcomes of World War II, heavy losses, the dismantling of their leadership, and subsequent internal destabilization, they managed to preserve their sovereignty at the turn of the millennium. In the early 21st century, they stabilized the system of counterbalances, maintained competition in global governance, and halted the expansion of the parasitic Western system (e.g., in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Venezuela, Belarus, Armenia). By cutting off new resources, they effectively stalled the West’s ambitions. Today, Russia possesses the most advanced defense system, tightening the global Gordian knot.
Resolving the situation requires a widespread elevation of societal consciousness and a shift toward cooperation, particularly among the ruling elites of Western nations. There is a concept called the "law of time": as long as competition in governance exists globally, we need only wait, as the West will eventually exhaust all resources for effective direct management of its society. Over time, people will open their eyes as they observe how systems function in Eastern regions compared to their own. The Eastern world will assume the conceptual governance of our planet (more on societal governance here: https://www.projektz.sk/news/riadenie-spolocnosti/ and here: https://www.projektz.sk/news/a10-politika/).
Our immediate future does not look promising. Europe, as a peninsula of the Eurasian continent, is incredibly dependent on the energy resources controlled by competing Eastern governance. Europe has the potential to be the first to break away from the influence of Western destructive forces. Its predominantly white population and advanced technology give it a unique combination of factors that could allow it to open its eyes and shed its chains faster than other regions of the world. Both sides are aware of this reality, which is why Europe has become the decisive battleground.
Notice the key projects of the ruling elites: Nord Stream 2, the construction of nuclear power plants in Turkey and Hungary, versus the refugee crisis, the Islamization of Europe, LGBTQ+ propaganda, and sanctions. While one group is preparing Europe’s energy infrastructure, the other seeks to weaken it, mix its original population, or replace it entirely. The West has chosen a strategy of population replacement to retain control over Europe. They aim to dilute, sterilize, and eliminate the white race in Europe, replacing it with Islamists who are more easily controlled through direct governance. This is the agenda behind LGBTQ+ propaganda, disproportionate support for Roma populations, the Islamic State, and the orchestrated refugee crisis from African and Asian countries.
We must understand that we (Slavs) are their greatest waste and simultaneously their biggest threat, as we are their largest competitors. Expect no mercy; if necessary, we face the strongest oppression, the harshest repression, and the least compassion. This applies especially to Northern, Baltic, Central, and Eastern European countries.
The COVID crisis is the handbrake on the overheated global economy. The world is teetering on the brink of catastrophe. Over the past few decades, we have extracted enormous amounts of natural resources, created vast amounts of waste, and destroyed nature to such an extent that our planet’s ecological stability is endangered—threatening everyone. Those who have guided us from the beginning are behind the COVID crisis, and all influential groups must accept this. If any key figure (at the wrong time) were to question the COVID crisis in the information sphere, they would immediately be censored and discredited.
Notice that while it is one issue, influential groups use it differently to achieve their goals. The Eastern group uses the crisis to encourage global cooperation, while the Western group exploits it to spread panic and fear, solidifying its influence through direct governance in controlled regions. As a result, different areas of the world exhibit varying approaches to the crisis, with differing measures and impacts on their populations. From a health perspective, this is not an exceptional event. Humanity has faced similar epidemics throughout history. The only difference is the massive marketing behind this one.
Every day, infection numbers are monitored, daily media reports flood us with updates, and the crisis dominates attention as if no other problems exist. I won’t delve into the issue of viruses themselves, or what actually happens when viruses begin multiplying in the human body, or what viruses truly are, because even this fundamental question remains unclear to scientists. For now, I will simply draw your attention to the differing anti-epidemic measures adopted in various states or regions.
In areas under the influence of "Eastern" elites, economies are merely slowed down, and a placebo vaccine (Sputnik V) based on older, harmless vaccines is being developed and offered worldwide as an alternative. Meanwhile, in regions under "Western" elites, economies are being suffocated, populations are terrorized and frightened, healthcare systems are driven toward collapse, public health deteriorates, and civil rights are curtailed. The Western approach has hastily produced a vaccine using new technology that smuggles a portion of the virus's genetic code into a cell, causing it to behave as if infected. The immune system identifies it as infected and eliminates it. This Western vaccine essentially introduces an autoimmune problem, making the body fight against itself (more on the issue of RNA vaccines here: https://fb.watch/2OJdmyOBO4/).
Each influential group is pursuing its own vision of solving the central issue—resource scarcity. One seeks to enslave and eliminate people, while the other aims to lead humanity toward cooperation. Thus, the COVID crisis should primarily be understood as an economic and moral issue for society, not a health issue. It was indirectly announced as early as 2018 and 2019, when a small, angry girl—Greta—began appearing in forums and media spaces (a symbolic gesture, expressing criticism of ruling influence groups). The global economy must reform to preserve life on the planet. The American dream must temporarily dissolve.
The fate of upcoming events is being decided in America, the heart of the Western style of governance. This is the country whose consumption has accelerated humanity toward a metaphorical cliff. As I mentioned, the terms "Eastern" and "Western" elites are very imprecise—both types of elites operate globally, and representatives of each can be found in every country. Politics should not be viewed through the lens of parties but rather through the knowledge and perspectives (individualism/collectivism) of the individuals involved.
Today, we see highly irregular presidential elections in the United States. This is a battle between Eastern and Western styles of governance. I won’t detail the entire issue but want to highlight the extraordinary nature of this event, which will influence processes worldwide. Whether we head toward a better or worse future will become clearer after January 20, 2021.
There are several possible scenarios. The least likely is that candidate Biden wins, stabilizes the situation in the United States to the extent that it remains the "United States," suppresses his competition, and the Western governance style gains control of the world’s largest military. In such a case, the world and our region would face open armed conflict, marching eastward toward resources, a single world order, and humanity's self-destruction.
A second, less likely scenario is that Trump manages to overturn the election results in his favor, maintains the United States as a single entity, and begins imprisoning all those involved in election fraud—essentially dismantling the Western elite. This would mark the beginning of an era of mass arrests of those who supported destructive forces, not only in the U.S. but worldwide. The Western elite would be discredited to its core, losing all influence. The world would quickly stabilize and embark on a path of cooperation and progress. Our children would then be the generation traveling to the stars.
The most likely scenario is that the presidential inauguration occurs in two locations, splitting the United States into two entities with two presidents: one based in Washington, the other in Texas. Tensions would shift from Europe to the American continent, with the risk of a civil war reminiscent of the North vs. South. This prolongs the coexistence of both governance styles on the planet, exacerbating resource pressures and increasing chaos and tension worldwide. Predicting the situation further would be highly imprecise; ultimately, it will depend on the population and which elite, or governance style, they support with their stance.
Events in America on January 6, 2021, will hint at the path the American people choose.
We must all recognize a very important truth: we hold the future in our hands. The development of future events depends on our attitudes and decisions in critical moments. We have two choices: either embrace the path of individualism or pursue the collective path. We must begin supporting the right side. It is impossible to remain passive in today’s world, to bury our heads in the sand and assume things will resolve themselves. Decisions will be made, but your voice and support will influence the outcome. The stronger your effort, the shorter the period of hardship.
The challenge in our society is evident today, as Slovakia is governed by representatives aligned with the Western elite’s depopulation perspective. Our "ambitious" politicians could easily betray us, sending us to the front lines of an eastern conflict. They believe they belong to a high-ranking elite immune to these issues, thinking they will enjoy life among the billion chosen ones. In reality, they are mere traitors and naive fools, unaware that they too would be eliminated alongside us—they cannot deny their racial origins.
Another factor to consider is that without our attention, no ruling group holds any real power or influence. Passive resistance is a potential way to prevent future bloodshed and increased mortality in our region. For example, by ignoring the draconian measures being implemented in our country—chaotic, illogical, disproportionate to the epidemiological threat, poorly debated, and designed to exacerbate health problems in Slovakia—we could save many lives in the future.
Consider this: in a globalized economy where transit is a matter of life and death, we are attempting to isolate an invisible virus with every conceivable measure, as if it were a giant dinosaur. We are fighting windmills, like the madman Don Quixote. Our immune system can handle any coronavirus, yet instead of strengthening it, we weaken it by wearing masks in public spaces and over-sanitizing. We restrict healthcare services, leading to deaths from other serious conditions, divide and isolate society, and destroy the tourism and gastronomy sectors.
This is all being done to avoid excessive public discussion, as media—entirely owned by Western foreign corporations—shapes public opinion. Society is being divided, which is the exact opposite of what is needed. We must unite to tackle today’s monumental challenges. Everyone needs to learn to recognize the influence groups and elites governing our world.
The task is straightforward. Western, individualistic elites are easily identified by their actions, poor governance quality, empty slogans, cheap promises, and propaganda. They are madmen, behaving as such. Of course, they won’t openly admit their goal is to exploit and eliminate you. Instead, they will speak of collective good, the need to tighten belts, the nation, faith, hope, and love. They will boil you like a frog, telling tales of fighting evil without understanding its true meaning (the problem of good and evil is explained here: www.projektz.sk).
Their only glittering facade is their mad priority to amass wealth, power, recognition, and status among the world’s top billion, which ultimately reveals their true nature. Anyone who is a successful entrepreneur today, holding vast personal wealth in various accounts, represents individualism. Such a person prioritizes accumulating wealth solely for themselves, disregarding their surroundings. They do not reinvest resources into the economy to benefit others; they stabilize their own situation and seize power through money.
It’s no coincidence that the proverb says: "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." You can possess wealth, but if you don’t realize the principle that your well-being depends on the well-being of your surroundings, you will never find peace or happiness in your country.
We stand before the most significant events of our time. It is crucial that we quickly choose the right path and realign our priorities. Our awareness and conscience will determine how bloody the upcoming events will be in our territory.
The animalistic behavior of the Western governance style stems from our past animalistic nature. The topic of reincarnation would take too long to cover, but the essence is this: we must learn to view our apparent adversaries as children. Children make many mistakes and behave instinctively and impulsively at the beginning of their development. The goal is not to destroy them but to teach them proper governance, enabling them to make independent decisions, think creatively, and build a better future.
You may think this is an impossible task, given the world’s diversity of people, races, languages, and speech. How can we collaborate on a higher level? The key is to understand the essence of life and strive for a shared future. If we eliminate envy and hatred from society (at least among the ruling elites and "wake the lions" from their slumber), a world of new technologies will open to us. One of these technologies will be telepathic communication, eliminating the need for language or speech. This technology will bridge racial differences and exponentially enhance understanding. Elon Musk has already begun discussing it openly (e.g., here: https://vat.pravda.sk/technologie/clanok/561407-mikrocipy-v-mozgu-vytvoria-supercloveka-elon-musk-ukazal-ako-mozu-fungovat/).
All technologies can be used for evil, but also for noble purposes. The problem lies in humanity's initial ignorance and the resulting morality—the inclination toward individualism. Nothing in the world exists in isolation. Everything is interconnected!
Sharing this post or engaging in any discussion is highly encouraged.
Juraj Tušš