Recently, former U.S. President Donald Trump earned a black belt in taekwondo, achieving the so-called ninth dan. This is the highest level a martial artist can attain. While many consider the award purely honorary and tied to promotional purposes, I personally believe it was absolutely deserved.
(For more information on the event, see: https://cz.sputniknews.com/20211122/donald-trump-dostal-cerny-pas-v-taekwondo-stejnou-hodnost-ma-i-rusky-prezident-vladimir-putin-foto-16596129.html)
Why do I believe this? To understand my reasoning, one must grasp the essence of martial arts focused on self-defense. These arts, whether judo or taekwondo, use the opponent's strength against them. They save a significant amount of energy. One does not need to be physically strong; with proper technique, one can resist a stronger opponent for a long time and ultimately exhaust them into surrender.
The most conscious politicians in the world use this technique as well. Donald Trump's personal biography is fascinating and inspiring; he managed to rise through life among "wolves," enduring setbacks (declaring bankruptcy twice) to reach the pinnacle and become the President of the United States.
After intense pressure from corporations that did not shy away from blatantly manipulating the last presidential election, he did not counter with force but stated:
"...if you face an opponent supported by all corporations, media, and who literally has unlimited resources, step aside, let them step onto the stage, and shine all the spotlights on them."
Since the election, he has managed to discredit his opponents to an extent not seen in a long time. He founded a new social network, retained loyal followers, and gained new ones. Despite corporate attacks, his popularity continues to grow. Although he may not be a physically equal opponent, his defense technique is refined, and he rightfully holds the ninth dan.
The technique of allowing events to unfold (a concept similar to "letting things play out") is well known and was once used by corporations during the aftermath of an unexpected result of World War II.
The qualitative difference in the application of this technique can be evaluated retrospectively. I refer to the post-war period of the 20th century, following the suppression of unprecedented aggression by the Nazis. Corporations, despite being on the verge of victory in the war, ultimately lost due to massive mistakes (such as the Normandy landings), leading to a stalemate in Berlin.
The central figure who reversed the course of World War II was undoubtedly Joseph Stalin. Regardless of decades of media propaganda, without Stalin and the internal strength of today’s Russia, our world would have been overtaken by a single ruling group afflicted by a psychological disorder—psychopaths would have ruled the Earth.
Stalin not only repelled the offensive of a powerful enemy supported by internal betrayal (Soviet commanders sabotaging the Western front and enabling blitzkrieg tactics), but he also reversed the situation, seized the initiative, and reached an agreement with his greatest adversary in Berlin. This saved hundreds of thousands of potential human lives. Furthermore, Stalin laid the foundation for a new Soviet, creative, and developmental society.
Within a few years after the end of the total extermination war, during which the Soviet Union lost over 20 million inhabitants and saw many of its cities reduced to rubble, Stalin managed to establish the groundwork for a new global power. This power could operate worldwide and engage in the research and development of the most advanced technologies.
The turning point came in the spring of 1953 when Stalin unexpectedly died on March 5. To this day, speculation surrounds the cause of his death—whether his opponents poisoned him or it was a natural sudden failure of the body (heart attack, stroke, etc.).
Regardless of the cause, after his death, the Soviet Union's leadership was taken over by the Trotskyist Nikita Khrushchev. This marked the moment when corporations gained control over the Soviet Union.
With Khrushchev in charge, the world became unipolar, governed by a single group. However, newly introduced reforms, social mobility (enabling any capable citizen to reach leadership positions), and a populace invigorated by post-war successes in building a just society tied the corporations' hands.
In such circumstances, it was impossible to immediately exploit their newfound influence to subjugate their primary adversary. Instead, it was necessary to gradually and subtly steer the governance of the Soviet Union against its domestic population.
To anger the people too soon after the enormous blow of World War II would have risked not only a collapse of their newfound governance but also the emergence of a "new Stalin," automatically arising from the victorious populace of war veterans.
Khrushchev's primary task was to halt or slow down the post-war reforms and progress. Subsequent leaders, such as Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, and Gorbachev, were tasked with increasingly steering governance toward the destruction and eventual dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Older generations vividly remember the absurdities introduced in the governance of Soviet states. These include all the jokes about secret police, communists, and everything that is still labeled and evaluated as bad, repressive, and destructive.
Entire volumes of books and articles, supported by corporations, have been written about communists and their allegedly flawed worldview.
What most people fail to realize is that from 1953 onward, it was corporations holding power over the Soviet Union. They dictated policies even within the Politburo, playing a staged rivalry among supposed competitors. The Cold War was merely a theatrical performance designed to instill fear in the population.
During this period, corporations achieved virtually anything they desired, even managing to "reach" the moon. Through the gradual "salami slicing" method, they not only dismantled the Soviet Union but also built propaganda around it. This propaganda aimed to prevent the population from considering a return to a unified Soviet system in the future.
The cherry on top of this destructive campaign was the absurd act of firing a tank at the parliament during the Yeltsin era—a symbolic event that highlighted the chaos.
The 1990s marked the beginning of the "golden" era for corporations. The democratization of Eurasia began. Many perceive this period as one of opportunism, as former staunch communists suddenly became the biggest advocates of democracy.
However, this wasn’t opportunism. Instead, all the "agents" serving corporations and contributing to the dissolution of the Soviet Union were rewarded for their efforts, receiving cushy positions in the new societal order (some remain active in politics to this day).
The looting of the country and its people commenced. Organizational errors, haste, and outright plundering fueled immense anger among the populace. Yeltsin, aware of society’s mood and the desperation of the masses, made a calculated decision. He chose a young member of a rival governance group as his successor, believing he could use this individual as a scapegoat to absorb all blame for Yeltsin’s failures.
That individual was Vladimir Putin. Yeltsin saw him as a sacrificial lamb for the enraged Russian people. But this move presented an opportunity for the human elite to seize the initiative.
In the heated atmosphere of the time, corporations handed the reins of governance to a rival group, hoping to rid themselves of the competing faction once and for all. However, they were in for a shock at the turn of the millennium.
Putin not only stabilized the crumbling situation in Russia but also prevented the country’s disintegration. He averted war in the Caucasus and compelled oligarchs to cooperate with the state to a certain extent. The result was his sovereign speech in Munich in 2007, signaling a resurgent Russia.
Russia’s internal strength began leveraging every disadvantageous situation offered to it. The West was taken aback by Russia’s boldness when, in 2015, it unexpectedly intervened in the Syrian war. For the first time in modern history, it drew a red line against the corporate governance structure and defended it effectively, despite the corporations’ significant head start in Syria since 2011.
Another major blow to the West came when Russia thwarted an attempt to overthrow Venezuelan President Maduro. The U.S. lacked the strength to enforce its influence on its own hemisphere—a source of embarrassment.
In both Syria and Venezuela, the corporations’ primary goal was to seize new hydrocarbon resources, essential for sustaining their "bottomless" economies.
The corporations’ inability to breach the new, unique red lines set by Russia caused the Western economy to overheat, leading to a need to cut back on consumption. Reports about the growing number of billionaires worldwide signify nothing more than the centralization of economic control and the impoverishment of the general population.
The American Dream, the sole form of ideological power for corporations, is dissolving rapidly across the globe. Corporations are increasingly forced to impose direct control (repression) over their own populations just to maintain their sphere of influence within its original boundaries.
Corporations are now cornered, constrained by resource shortages and public dissatisfaction. Transitioning from indirect governance (the American Dream) to direct governance (arbitrary use of legislative, judicial, and executive power) is fraught with risk, as it could provoke billions of people.
Imagine ordering someone to voluntarily lower their standard of living or shut down their business just so you can reform and centralize resource flows. That individual would likely reject your plans outright.
As a result, corporations resorted to a risky maneuver, betting everything on a single card: they launched a controlled pandemic. They backed this strategy with all available tools, hoping to frighten the population into willingly locking themselves in cages and submitting to a new, repressive governance model inspired by China’s social credit system.
(More on this situation: https://www.projektz.sk/news/16-dnesna-situacia-vo-svete-vyhladova-situacia-na-slovensku/)
The human elite, steadfastly defending the red lines, masterfully uses the corporations' own plan against them. By engaging in the corporations’ strategy without overt resistance, they disrupt it from within.
This not only exhausts the corporations to critical levels but also discredits and exposes the entire manipulative network of corporations worldwide (the "octopus" and its tentacles hidden in all countries). The human elite has allowed the corporate elite to step onto the stage and shined all the spotlights on them.
Once the "octopus" loses influence over the population, the game is over. This marks the end of the phase of humanity's awakening and the beginning of a golden age.
Today, we are witnessing the application of the highest level of politics in global events. It is a masterful chess game, outmaneuvering a physically stronger opponent.
We live in an era connecting events from communism and democracy—not by coincidence. People are starting to open their eyes, seeing the hypocrisy and deceit in all areas of corporate influence.
To those who pride themselves on their skill at "changing coats," I recommend starting now—before it’s too late.
We are standing on the brink of a period of reckoning, one that must come to awaken humanity from the "American Dream." This period will allow us to feel scarcity and subsequently be guided toward abundance. Let us not be afraid; there is nothing to fear.
Corporations are being forced into a risky maneuver, one that can easily fail. Each of us can contribute to shortening this period of reckoning through courage, creativity, active efforts, and passive resistance to corporate actions.
Anyone with the time and skills to edit videos should create compilations of past and present statements made by corporate puppets. These can include politicians, scientists, bureaucrats, or anyone publicly promoting destructive governance practices.
Confront them with their own contradictory statements, showcasing the inconsistencies in their messaging. For example:
Avoid personal attacks or hostility toward individuals; they are merely pawns, immature figures being used by others. The focus should be on discrediting the governance mechanisms.
Archival footage is available on platforms such as Infovojna, Slobodný Vysielač, or any other site monitoring the situation long-term. These archives contain authentic recordings from the time. Although this is painstaking work, it is incredibly important in this era.
Share such video compilations widely so they reach as many people as possible. Begin to play with corporations and take initiative in our own space.
For instance, organize events to avoid watching television on certain days of the week. Dedicate the time saved to your children, playing games with them, and fostering their creativity. They are the foundation of humanity's future—the ones who will fly to the stars for the first time. (PROTECT THEM! DO NOT EXPERIMENT ON THEM! Defend them.)
Do not fall into the traps being set. Avoid a path toward general strikes. Corporations aim to destroy Europe's economy, and if we destroy it ourselves, we will be blamed.
Let corporations take responsibility for their destructive actions. Our role is to point fingers and highlight their misdeeds.
The battle lies in discrediting corporate governance ideologies before they can herd us into cages through fear.
If corporations prevent us from working because we don’t meet nonsensical conditions, let them. File legal complaints and don’t worry about the consequences. Help each other. Unite. Do not let divisions form.
If you are fined, either don’t pay it or pay it—it doesn’t matter. Don’t stress over savings; next year, we’ll likely lose them anyway.
To all managers, traders, entrepreneurs, police officers, soldiers, public servants, judges, and prosecutors: don’t fear remaining passive. Refuse to implement senseless, destructive measures. Do not destroy society or businesses. Do not be afraid to reject orders. Avoid issuing unreasonable fines. Let absurd orders pass through one ear and out the other.
Today, you choose whether to become heroes of your people or forever be a source of shame. Do not be pawns upon whom blame will ultimately fall. Stay human.
Every event is now recorded in databases. Nothing can remain hidden; everything is traceable. Meta-programming is now a reality.
We don’t need to create counter-pressure; we simply need to refrain from reacting. On our side, we have masters of governance who will support us—both the global elite (not to be confused with corporate elites!) and the human elite.
However, we must demonstrate courage and prove that we deserve our future. Otherwise, our submissiveness will lead us into very unpleasant situations.
Let us embrace courage, help one another, and resist fear. By doing so, we can usher in a golden age of humanity, free from corporate manipulation and repression.
Juraj Tušš