In this article, I want to highlight the importance of viewing current events through a broader historical spectrum of information. The angle of perspective, the distance of focus on the information, determines how we perceive our current favorable or seemingly hopeless situation. The more we delve into the details of current events, the more we lose sight of the long-term trajectory of developments, and the more terrifying our current situation may seem. We succumb to fear and panic—completely unnecessarily.


Since the dawn of time, humanity has been guided (governed) along a path of development, growth, and awareness toward independence.


Since ancient times, a crowd-elite system of governance has been established in our civilization. From ancient history to the present, there has always been an elite leading the crowd. We can argue against the system with various objections, but when we understand its essence, we must acknowledge that it is an effective tool for governing less developed, less aware societies. Governance in crowd-elitism is applied through five types of power:

  1. Conceptual Power (Worldview)
  2. Ideological Power
  3. Legislative Power
  4. Judicial Power
  5. Executive Power

Power is the ability to govern applied in practice, meaning, for example, "I" have as much power as I can influence other people (other consciousnesses) in my surroundings or even further afield. (Mass media, propaganda, money, and repression—fear—are the main tools for exercising power.)

The types of power are divided into DIRECT (legislative, judicial, executive), where people are governed directly through orders, prohibitions, repression, etc., and INDIRECT (conceptual, ideological), where people's consciousness, beliefs, and thoughts are influenced so they govern themselves without being aware of external influence. The most effective governance of autonomous conscious units is through indirect forms of power, influencing their ideologies (opinions) or even directly shaping their worldview.


Not everyone in the crowd has a fully formed worldview. Many people in society, even in the 21st century, operate only at the ideological level. A worldview can be broadly divided into two opposing directions:

  1. Individualism

    • The belief that the individual world emerged from an infinite array of random events—The Big Bang.
  2. Collectivism

    • The belief in a connected world that always was, is, and will be, functioning based on constant interaction between autonomous conscious units—Unity.

A worldview determines the primary lines of subsequent ideologies. Those without a formed worldview can easily switch between opposing ideologies without understanding, swayed by whichever way the wind blows.


Today, I identify three primary groups of governing elites:

  1. GLOBALISTS (Arbitrators)
    Globalists are not called so because they can govern globally today but because they were capable of global governance over 5,000 years ago. Pharaoh dynasties ruled people directly for millennia. Imagine today's politicians ruling for 5,000 years. :D They would be utterly incapable.

    In ancient times, globalists ruled people directly, leading the governing elite that everyone recognized. Their goal was to manage a small, uneducated crowd to prevent self-destruction and guide them toward development. At that time, populating the planet was an absolute priority.

    The general rule is that the more populous a species, the greater its performance, the more brain capacity it can utilize simultaneously, and the more advanced its civilization becomes. More heads, more wisdom. Population density directly affects our technological level.

    Our current "overpopulation" clearly shows that globalists have noble intentions and goals for us, which is why I refer to them as arbitrators. They have been correcting humanity's development since the beginning. If globalists had malicious intentions, they would never have allowed us to multiply.

    Over time, as humanity developed, globalists retreated from open governing positions. They were no longer pharaohs, kings, or emperors but mostly advisors and jesters. They gradually handed over their power to the people. Today, globalists are invisible to the public. Only those they guide to implement their policies are visible.


If we consider that our brains function not as creators of our reality but as "transmitters" receiving and sending signals from our shared consciousness, we can easily imagine future technology capable of connecting to these signals and modifying them—"hacking" the brain.

Already today, we can connect to Wi-Fi, bypass routers, and access foreign computers or networks. Perhaps this explains why some people believe they hear "God" or someone else, acting on commands they would not otherwise follow.

Understanding the collectivist worldview deactivates destructive behavior. After all, if some uneducated bartender tells you about this issue, doesn’t it seem suspicious? :D :D :D I should change my router password. :D

2. CORPORATE ELITE (One-eyed among the blind)
The corporate elite began forming in the 16th century when it became necessary to centralize resources from across the planet and redistribute them more efficiently. Early globalization of resources was crucial for humanity's development.

Globalists gradually taught more capable individuals governance at the ideological level, giving them immense power. Influential and wealthy families emerged. Let's admit, in the 16th century, humanity's level of development wasn’t impressive. The collectivist worldview was unimaginable, and thus, power fell into the hands of immoral individuals.

These individuals created their own bubble of influence—their elite. Over time, they lost touch with the rest of the world. Outside their elite circle, reproduction was strictly forbidden, causing their creative capabilities and governance knowledge to weaken. They created an artificial governance tool—money—through a banking system that even the least intelligent among them could use to govern.

Today, you can easily identify the corporate elite and their "minions." They are the ones flaunting money, while their followers live for nothing else. Both openly embrace individualism.


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Translation (Part 1):


In this article, I want to highlight the importance of viewing current events through a broader historical spectrum of information. The angle of perspective, the distance of focus on the information, determines how we perceive our current favorable or seemingly hopeless situation. The more we delve into the details of current events, the more we lose sight of the long-term trajectory of developments, and the more terrifying our current situation may seem. We succumb to fear and panic—completely unnecessarily.


Since the dawn of time, humanity has been guided (governed) along a path of development, growth, and awareness toward independence.


Since ancient times, a crowd-elite system of governance has been established in our civilization. From ancient history to the present, there has always been an elite leading the crowd. We can argue against the system with various objections, but when we understand its essence, we must acknowledge that it is an effective tool for governing less developed, less aware societies. Governance in crowd-elitism is applied through five types of power:

  1. Conceptual Power (Worldview)
  2. Ideological Power
  3. Legislative Power
  4. Judicial Power
  5. Executive Power

Power is the ability to govern applied in practice, meaning, for example, "I" have as much power as I can influence other people (other consciousnesses) in my surroundings or even further afield. (Mass media, propaganda, money, and repression—fear—are the main tools for exercising power.)

The types of power are divided into DIRECT (legislative, judicial, executive), where people are governed directly through orders, prohibitions, repression, etc., and INDIRECT (conceptual, ideological), where people's consciousness, beliefs, and thoughts are influenced so they govern themselves without being aware of external influence. The most effective governance of autonomous conscious units is through indirect forms of power, influencing their ideologies (opinions) or even directly shaping their worldview.

Pokračujem s ďalšou časťou.

Translation (Part 2):


Not everyone in the crowd has a fully formed worldview. Many people in society, even in the 21st century, operate only at the ideological level. A worldview can be broadly divided into two opposing directions:

  1. Individualism

    • The belief that the individual world emerged from an infinite array of random events—The Big Bang.
  2. Collectivism

    • The belief in a connected world that always was, is, and will be, functioning based on constant interaction between autonomous conscious units—Unity.

A worldview determines the primary lines of subsequent ideologies. Those without a formed worldview can easily switch between opposing ideologies without understanding, swayed by whichever way the wind blows.


Today, I identify three primary groups of governing elites:

  1. GLOBALISTS (Arbitrators)
    Globalists are not called so because they can govern globally today but because they were capable of global governance over 5,000 years ago. Pharaoh dynasties ruled people directly for millennia. Imagine today's politicians ruling for 5,000 years. :D They would be utterly incapable.

    In ancient times, globalists ruled people directly, leading the governing elite that everyone recognized. Their goal was to manage a small, uneducated crowd to prevent self-destruction and guide them toward development. At that time, populating the planet was an absolute priority.

    The general rule is that the more populous a species, the greater its performance, the more brain capacity it can utilize simultaneously, and the more advanced its civilization becomes. More heads, more wisdom. Population density directly affects our technological level.

    Our current "overpopulation" clearly shows that globalists have noble intentions and goals for us, which is why I refer to them as arbitrators. They have been correcting humanity's development since the beginning. If globalists had malicious intentions, they would never have allowed us to multiply.

    Over time, as humanity developed, globalists retreated from open governing positions. They were no longer pharaohs, kings, or emperors but mostly advisors and jesters. They gradually handed over their power to the people. Today, globalists are invisible to the public. Only those they guide to implement their policies are visible.

If we consider that our brains function not as creators of our reality but as "transmitters" receiving and sending signals from our shared consciousness, we can easily imagine future technology capable of connecting to these signals and modifying them—"hacking" the brain.

Already today, we can connect to Wi-Fi, bypass routers, and access foreign computers or networks. Perhaps this explains why some people believe they hear "God" or someone else, acting on commands they would not otherwise follow.

Understanding the collectivist worldview deactivates destructive behavior. After all, if some uneducated bartender tells you about this issue, doesn’t it seem suspicious? :D :D :D I should change my router password. :D

Pokračujem s ďalšou časťou.

Translation (Part 3):

2. CORPORATE ELITE (One-eyed among the blind)
The corporate elite began forming in the 16th century when it became necessary to centralize resources from across the planet and redistribute them more efficiently. Early globalization of resources was crucial for humanity's development.

Globalists gradually taught more capable individuals governance at the ideological level, giving them immense power. Influential and wealthy families emerged. Let's admit, in the 16th century, humanity's level of development wasn’t impressive. The collectivist worldview was unimaginable, and thus, power fell into the hands of immoral individuals.

These individuals created their own bubble of influence—their elite. Over time, they lost touch with the rest of the world. Outside their elite circle, reproduction was strictly forbidden, causing their creative capabilities and governance knowledge to weaken. They created an artificial governance tool—money—through a banking system that even the least intelligent among them could use to govern.

Today, you can easily identify the corporate elite and their "minions." They are the ones flaunting money, while their followers live for nothing else. Both openly embrace individualism.

3. HUMAN ELITE (Conscious individuals)
Humanity's historical development is marked by countless contrasting situations where people faced their own ignorance and arrogance. Our history is full of conflicts, wars, and disputes among people.

Unfortunately, humanity learns from its mistakes. Overcoming unpleasant events in our lives is essential for natural development and awareness.

Globalists manage our conflicts to create contrast while ensuring the consequences of our actions are not fatal. They prevent our foolishness from derailing our path of growth and development or causing our extinction.

There are historical examples where globalists directly intervened in our "game" and conflicts:

  1. When Napoleon invaded Moscow.
  2. When Hitler attacked the Soviet Union and later stood at Moscow's gates (immediately, British arms supplies to the Soviets began, despite Britain being a long-term rival of the Soviets).
  3. When Americans developed the atomic bomb and used it to win the war against Japan (the technology was soon shared with the Soviets to create balance and prevent global asymmetry).

Over time, through their own mistakes and contrasting situations, a human elite emerged. This elite fully understands the principle of unity and can challenge powerful corporations at all levels of power.


Today, the need for humanity’s widespread awareness has the highest priority. Humanity stands at the edge of a precipice. If we don’t begin cooperating and understanding the principle of unity, we’ll never overcome our current difficulties. On the contrary, our civilization will collapse.

Depopulation will set us back in time, and lost time can never be recovered. The planet's development is constant, and not every phase is suitable for life.

Thus, the pressure to create contrasting situations in the informational field is immense. This explains why our times may seem so chaotic. Humanity's awareness through contrast has become a necessity. Contrast is fundamental for differentiation, recognition, and awareness.


The current rivalry between two major governing elites is striking and should be evident to everyone. What’s at stake?

While corporations aim to address overpopulation and resource scarcity through destructive means—depopulation, consumption reduction, and more efficient resource redistribution—the human elite opposes these plans. They understand that reducing humanity’s capacity and technological advancements in favor of stabilizing the current critical situation is absolute foolishness.

The corporate elite fails to recognize possibilities beyond today’s realities. They lack creativity and imagination, likely due to historical mental degradation.

New technologies, locked away from corporations by globalists, could solve our situation almost instantly—within a decade. However, globalists will never allow fools and individualists access to technologies based on fundamental principles of the universe.

The threat of Earth’s destruction would escalate to the threat of universal annihilation, which no rational entity would permit.


To address today’s crisis, we must strip corporations of the power they’ve held since the 16th century and remove influential families from governing the population.

This process involves discrediting corporate representatives and their minions in the eyes of the masses. The goal is to free the statistical majority from corporate influence, stripping corporations of ideological power before they transition to a new repressive governance model—the social credit system.

Only through contrast can people open their eyes.


By a small "miracle," the human elite managed to seize the initiative at the turn of the millennium. Humanity began drawing red lines to limit the influence of giant corporations—examples include Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Belarus, and Ukraine.

The pyramid economy of corporations, built on debt and fueled by the ideology of the American Dream, began overheating and collapsing. While printing record amounts of unbacked money temporarily stabilized debt guarantees, governance, and public satisfaction, real resources and raw materials started critically depleting.

The inability to breach the established red lines, behind which lie additional hydrocarbon resources, pushed corporations to accelerate their long-term plan. This involves shifting governance from ideological to repressive levels—launching the social credit system.


Corporations aim to reform logistics, reduce consumption in their markets, and streamline resource redistribution. These changes primarily impact consumer-heavy European and American markets.

To maximize their chances of success, they devised the COVID crisis to convince populations that lowering living standards benefits their health. It’s a game of fear.

The COVID crisis is a managed crisis. Corporations release pathogens, dictate their lethality (through "mutations"), and spread them while simultaneously offering the "only correct solution"—their solution.


Corporations dismiss all alternative solutions as conspiracies, hoaxes, or nonsense. Notice how they avoid meaningful discussion, fail to counter arguments effectively, and cannot win on an ideological level—they lack quality.

This deficiency drives their urgency to implement a repressive governance model. If they fail to act quickly, they will lose influence, power, and ultimately fall from dominance.

The human elite is acutely aware of this qualitative disadvantage. Therefore, they did not resist the initiation of the COVID plan. On the contrary, they joined in, using the corporations' weapon against them to discredit them globally.


With the onset of the COVID crisis, all previously hidden corporate minions surfaced. The "tentacles" of the octopus were exposed, leaving no tricks up their sleeve. Unless corporations trigger a nuclear self-destructive conflict that burns the entire Earth, they will soon lose their influence.

This trend is now irreversible. I am confident that globalists will ensure no catastrophic failures occur among humanity. More than 10,000 years of work with humanity would otherwise be wasted.


The answer to our current crisis is not reducing consumption or optimizing logistics for resource distribution. Instead, it lies in accessing future technologies and utilizing resources from broader areas of the universe.

However, we will never achieve this as long as we cling to stubborn individualism, fail to understand the principle of unity, and continue to compete and chase the American Dream.

Globalists will not permit evolutionary progress until we shed our animalistic submissiveness, blind faith, and ignorance—until we brighten our darker colors.


Next year will test us all. Scarcity and fear will touch everyone. If we succumb to fear, we’ll confine ourselves to cages and remain there for a long time. However, if we resist fear and choose the path of passive resistance, the unfavorable situations will be very short-lived.


In my next article, I’ll show how we can checkmate corporations in their destructive plan. Post-COVID healthcare will be entirely different from pre-COVID systems.


Juraj Tušš